Now we have a perfect overview of the state and condition of all devices and the behavior of our customers.We understand the workload of all appliances, customer preferences, and consumption of individual types of coffee.
We can remotely configure and monitor all machines using simple tools with the ultimate goal of making the process fully automated in the future, such that the need to visit them physically is dramatically reduced.
I´ve been working with the platform for over three years on its applications in the field. The team consistently succeeded in breaking out of their bubble, listened and discussed with me our customers' "real world" problems.
Manage your devices remotely and eliminate costly on-site visits. Gain real-time insights into machine performance and optimize your operations.
Collect data from various sources and distribute it to where it’s needed most. Spotflow ensures you have the right data in the right places, ready for action.
Get a complete view of your entire fleet, regardless of location or time. Spotflow lets you see and understand what’s happening.
Make informed, data-driven decisions fast. Real-time data enhances IoT-connected operations and drives innovations.
Adopt cutting-edge technology to gain a competitive edge and future-proof your operations with cloud-based solutions.
Build solutions with added value and offer new digital services using Spotflow’s IoT platform. Expand your product portfolio and target new business segments.
Cup&Cino is a dynamic coffee franchise based in Germany, known for its high-quality coffee products and cozy café ambiance. Cup&Cino has hundreds of coffee machines spread around the world. With a growing fleet of coffee machines, visiting machines quickly became costly and unfeasible.
Lely Industries is a pioneering company specializing in innovative agricultural solutions, particularly in dairy farming. Founded in 1948 and based in the Netherlands, Lely focuses on developing advanced technologies and systems that enhance farm efficiency and animal welfare.
Spotflow combines the best of custom-built and out-of-the-box solutions. Set up and tailor the platform to your environment within days.
Spotflow integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, such as ERPs, MOMs, PLMs, and more – ensuring smooth data flows and connectivity.
From PoC to connecting your last IoT device, deploy Spotflow rapidly – no matter your infrastructure.
Our team guides you through the whole process, so you don’t need to allocate any additional IT resources.
We always encrypt user data at rest with AES-256. More specifically, data is stored in Microsoft Azure Blob storage, periodically audited by independent, third-party firms, and compliant with SOC, ISO, HIPAA, and other standards.
We isolate customer data by using dedicated Azure Storage accounts. Customers might also opt to store data in a custom Microsoft Azure Storage account that they fully control instead of using accounts managed by Spotflow.
For customers with the most strict security needs, a dedicated platform instance can be deployed to their Azure Subscription.
All user data in transit is encrypted. We force devices to use at least TLS 1.2 when communicating with the platform. Data remains encrypted all the way to the target storage, even in queues and other intermediate locations. Once the data reaches the cloud, it does not leave the Azure backbone network unless explicitly exported by customers. We follow the principle of zero-trust. Instead of relying on VPNs, we validate the identity of each customer device and internal service on each interaction.
Users interacting with the platform are authenticated with Auth0, one of the leading identity providers. Users can create a new account for the Spotflow platform or reuse their existing account in one of several third-party identity providers. We encourage our users to adhere to the principle of least privilege by providing granular, easy-to-use access control.
Spotlow platform is built with the infrastructure provided by Microsoft Azure, such as Storage, IoT Hub, Kubernetes, or Event Hubs.
The platform is ready to run not only as a SaaS but also can be deployed to customers' isolated Azure environments, where it can be integrated on the VNET level. This does not mean that customers not using Azure are anyhow limited.
Above all else, our architecture aims to guarantee zero data loss and consistency, including data ordering, even in the face of infrastructure and software faults. When hard decisions must be made, we lean towards data consistency to the detriment of latency. All data is stored in at least three replicas, giving yearly durability over 99.999999999% (11 nines).
Our APIs and other services, where possible, run in multiple replicas distributed over multiple machines. This ensures that updates, restarts, or other disruptive events are not observable to customers in most cases.
We can safely deploy changes multiple times per day. This allows us to make new features available to customers early on and fix issues quickly and in a controllable manner.